Dear FL-ECOs of the Florence Network:
As we announced we have already installed TEAMS as our new platform for sharing documents and networks’ information!
On the 3rd July, once you have had enough time for communicating to any update of data in the FL-ECOs list, you will receive an invitation for joining the new channel for FLECOs on TEAMS. It's important you try to access it with the same email address registered in the list of contacts.
Inside the general FLECOs folder you will find (by now):
1. Minutes of annual meetings: Madrid ones are already there!
2. Research interests/proposals: all that came up in Madrid´s annual meetings. You can add others if you like!
3. FL-ECO list: with all the contact data of all of us. Please if there are any changes in your home institution, feel free to update them in the list (taking care not to erase anything else) as well as communicating them to our official email address (so we can change your access to TEAMS and so on).
4. Updated Guidelines and regulations
Eventually, as it was suggested in the annual meeting, we will prepare a template for including the description of each university and it will be also added here… any other contents you believe that should also be here can be discussed in our next meeting on November the 23rd.
From students board:
Attached you can find the newsletter from the students board to distribute to your students.
The student board would like to wish you all a great summer, and hope to see you at the next conference in Greece!
Summer wishes from Natalie, Tim, Sabrie, Daryl and Amar.
We wish you lovely holidays!
Best regards,
Florence Network Board